Unduh - Lirik - Sang Saka by Patriot

Acara Music

Event News

Minggu, 27 Februari 2011

Be patient and follow-up

Almost everyone has become used to expecting responses to e-mails right away, so it can be frustrating to submit your music or send a note to a writer and get no response. Be patient. "The reviewers are usually completely swamped with submissions, so it will probably take a while before they get to your CD," says Georgevich. Give them two to three weeks before your first follow-up and then follow-up weekly after that. Remember to be polite, professional and patient."

Source : examiner.com

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New Comers

1. Suasana Hati: Oranye
2. FIL: Susu Kaleng
3. Ruang Hampa: Patriot
4. MoKa: B-Jazz
5. Sang Saka: Patriot
6. Cinta SMU: Susu Kaleng
7. Cinta Santai: Oranye
8. Mimpi: B-Jazz
- Ruang Hampa: KapaSius
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